Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A song is the same as human being,or should I say living being. It need both rhythm and lyric for it to be a song. Both of them are very important. Rhythm resembles the soul of the song while the lyric resembles the body of the song. Can you imagine a song without rhythm or a song without lyric?

A song without lyric will be like a wandering soul. It don't have any solid form. Maybe someday it will just disappear to the thin air. The feeling the composer want to share cannot be conveyed efficiently.

A song without rhythm will be like a robot. It don't have its own thought and expression. Everything is programmed for the beginning. The message the writer want to deliver cannot be sent efficiently.

Both lyric and rhythm should compatible to each other. The mood and the feeling should probably be the same. You can't just put a feminine soul in a guy body or a masculine soul in a girl. It will turn out to be weird.

That's all of what I think of "song". All these are just barely my own thoughts.


lcyu said...

Then how about a song without a chorus??

アラン様 said...

It doesn't matter if the song has chorus or not. The most important is the feeling and message both the writer and composer want to deliver.